martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008

About the exam -.-

Well, I don't necessarialy describe the exame as "difficult", because that just sounds flat and empty. Rather I'd say it was hard. I am complety sure I won't get a fullmark because: first, our teacher is K. Second, I didn't finished half of the exam. Why didn't I? I focused mainly on the 3 last questions. If they were worth more, at least if I answered them right, I could get something like a 6 and I would pass. Of course, I hate just passing, I like getting good grades; and I know pretty well that to get them, I must work hard. The problem was that the exam wasn't exactly meant to be finished. We just couldn't write and analyze that much in only 40 minutes. It was really long, I would say; not structured for a class time. However, I had analyzed the topics and knew what I should do with my notes, but still, I couldn't finish. I would like the teacher to be more explicit on his classes and not just leave us work and check on how we're doing; but making sure everybody is understanding and creating a critic analysis as for not getting such low marks or our tests.

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