jueves, 21 de agosto de 2008

Oº°‘¨lªü têïlªtü¨‘°ºO

This entry is about my favourite song: Lau teilatu.
It is a really calm vasc song written originally by a group called Itoiz. Amaia Montero (my favourite singer and ex-La Oreja de Van Gogh) performs it specially feating Mikel Erentxun. I really like the song because their voices do nothing but fit together perfectly and at a point seem to dance along with the sweet music. it remainds me of my name, too. These are the lyrics:
Hemen gaude
Here we are
tapoztutzen naiz
and I'm glad
ta ziur zure aita ere bai;
and so does your father
ta zer ondo... zelan dijua
and, how good... you look
zure bufanda txuria.
with your white scarf
Lau teilatu gainian
Over four roofs
ilargia erdian eta zu
the moon in the middle and you
goruntz begira,
looking up
zure keia eskuetan
with light smoke on your hands
putzara batekin... putz!
with a blow..puff!
Neregana etorriko da
It will come where I am
ta berriz izango gara
and again we will be
dozein herriko jaixetan.
on every town's party
Goxo goxo
Gladly, gladly
kanta egin nazu
sing to me,
Benitoren Maria Solt.
Maria Solt from Benito
Negarrik ez,
Don't cry,
txuri zaude ta malkoakzure
you're pale and your tears
kolorea kentzen dute.
errase your color
Lau teilatu gainian...
Over four roofs...
Felix, Felix bihar
Happily, happily, tomorrow
berriz egongo gara
we will be again
txanpain apur batekin
with a bit of champaine
diru gabe baina
without money, but
izarrak gurekin daude,
the stars are with us
piano baten soinuaz.
with the sound of a piano
Lau teilatu gainian...
Over four roofs...

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