domingo, 3 de mayo de 2009

Closing Comments ¬¬

... hehehe yeiii =P finally the end!!

For this Final Furlong, I'd like to be brief but constructive.

It's hard for me to describe what this class has meant to me throughout the year, and I think this is due mainly to you, K (no ofense!). Hehe. What happens is that, at first -yeah, right in the very first class we had that tuesday- I didn't understand a word you said. That's something I'm kind of familiar to now, because sometimes I just smile and you think I did understand... O.o hehe never mind! My understanding on fast spoken English has become better thanks to you mainly... or at least I've learned how to pretend... ^.^

Movin' on, I want you to know that your homework system is the best. I think online assignments are very confortable, both for the teacher and the student. Though, I always stay hours in front of my lap trying to finish one of them! Anyways, in all the school year, there wasn't a single homework I didn't enjoy doing.

About the classes... Well, I'll have to start saying that I really enjoyed them. Mainly because we just talked and expresed our opinions (nobody said we weren't doing a thing); and the fact that you kicked out anybody not willing to participate simply ruled!!! Hehehe With Gaychuz and Pablo's talks everything else came second! Muahaha I won't forget our deep talks... (yeah, deep...) Hahaha XD But anyways, when everybody spoke out loud, we could hear each one's point of view and could really start discussing. Now that I remember our improvised discussion forums rocked!!! hahaha Really, it was sooo fun (and didactic!) hoho =P

When we came down to the patio to move in circles and do strange steps to mark rythm, well! I'd just seen that thing on movies!!! Hahaha Acting downstairs was also very creative and fun! I love Shakespeare! I love acting! And I love watching my friends trying to do so! =D

About the exams... what can I say? You're the only one who makes that sort of wicked tests!! My comments about them have already been published before on this blog (no need to repeat that stuff) If you have notes, okay, but if not, it would be better if we could just paste the final draft on the exam instead of writting 800 words all over again!! arggg! Although not much of a correction made, I've always listened to your comments about my work.

Finally (and of course), I have to thank you for the "inmunity" given to my folks and me throughout the year! And for excusing all the late homeworks, all the unaproppiate talking, and any complain made to you or your class! Cuz you've made a change in my life, & I will never forget!

Seeya in another life!!

lunes, 5 de enero de 2009

About the 5th Period Exam -.-

Well, guess this exam was the last one about Night and the Poems, no? I don't have much of a complain about this exam, though... just constructive criticism, I swear.

In Section A, the Q's about the poems... well, they were fair; if I had to describe them in a word. I just read the poems, look up for some words I didn't understand and reflected a little about the contents of each. I also checked my homework about the 3 charts, and supported on what we'd alreay commented on class. So, I think I did good. The Q about wheter for as long as humans existed, there would be war, was what I rally focused on.

I did some wothy reseach about it and just added my opinions... I think I extendended a little bit more than what I was supposed to and I am almost sure I didn't finish your exam completely. Guess not.

For the Section B, I started reading the book as soon as you uploaded the Q's that would come in the exam. I did (and keep) kind of some note-paper about it while reading it. Asequence of events given by key words, a list of characters, a list of jewish words and a list of the page numbers where I could easily locate statements related to God, Fire and Night comphrehend my notes. I can show them to you.

As I finished, they were pretty useful to make my paragraphs for the section B of the exam. I didn't need much more than that.

My only complain would be: why you make us write that much?? Time is never enough! And I also think that you should mention what exactly do you want to find on our papers. You only point the way,but do not mention the destination. It's only to know if we're going on the right direction to satisfy your expectatives. Thanks.

About the 4th Period Exam -.-

K: I dounno hav neithr 'o my last exams. I havn't seen 'em since i gave 'em 2 u on da exam day T.T & i wasn't present on da day of da revision, maybe bcuz of Chorus, u can check my absences if u want. So, guess i need 2 see 'em.

Whatever, guess the 4th Period Exam was the one of the Elements of Narrative and Suspense and the stories (P&P, NW4S), right? I think we just lost time a little with this paper. We had already made a test about those topics, hadn't we? Why did you have to make (and grade?) all 4th graders' tests? Was Jenny sick or somthing?

Well, I read my notes about the stories I'd saved on my computer and checked your P.P. Presentations online, just in case. As you didn't let us bring our notes to the exam, I just tried to do the best at that moment- guess I didn't finish the exam. (I rarely do!) >.<>

Oh, and, yeah, I saw Arqui's (Arquitect Alejandro Córdoba's) lists of averages and accoring to that I got 8.6. And I really wanna know why.