lunes, 5 de enero de 2009

About the 4th Period Exam -.-

K: I dounno hav neithr 'o my last exams. I havn't seen 'em since i gave 'em 2 u on da exam day T.T & i wasn't present on da day of da revision, maybe bcuz of Chorus, u can check my absences if u want. So, guess i need 2 see 'em.

Whatever, guess the 4th Period Exam was the one of the Elements of Narrative and Suspense and the stories (P&P, NW4S), right? I think we just lost time a little with this paper. We had already made a test about those topics, hadn't we? Why did you have to make (and grade?) all 4th graders' tests? Was Jenny sick or somthing?

Well, I read my notes about the stories I'd saved on my computer and checked your P.P. Presentations online, just in case. As you didn't let us bring our notes to the exam, I just tried to do the best at that moment- guess I didn't finish the exam. (I rarely do!) >.<>

Oh, and, yeah, I saw Arqui's (Arquitect Alejandro Córdoba's) lists of averages and accoring to that I got 8.6. And I really wanna know why.

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